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A node to integrate with n8n itself. This node allows you to consume the n8n API in your workflows.

Refer to the n8n REST API documentation for more information on using the n8n API. Refer to API endpoint reference for working with the API endpoints directly.


You can find authentication information for this node in the API authentication documentation.


This node doesn't support SSL. If your server requires an SSL connection, use the HTTP Request node to call the n8n API. The HTTP Request node has options to provide the SSL certificate.


Generate audit#

This operation has no parameters. Configure it with these options:

  • Categories: Select the risk categories you want the audit to include. Options include:
    • Credentials
    • Database
    • Filesystem
    • Instance
    • Nodes
  • Days Abandoned Workflow: Use this option to set the number of days without execution after which a workflow should be considered abandoned. Enter a number of days. The default is 90.

Create credential#

Configure this operation with these parameters:

  • Name: Enter the name of the credential you'd like to create.
  • Credential Type: Enter the credential's type. The available types depend on nodes installed on the n8n instance. Some built-in types include githubApi, notionApi, and slackApi.
  • Data: Enter a valid JSON object with the required properties for this Credential Type. To see the expected format, use the Get Schema operation.

Delete credential#

Configure this operation with this parameter:

  • Credential ID: Enter the ID of the credential you want to delete.

Get credential schema#

Configure this operation with this parameter:

  • Credential Type: Enter the credential's type. The available types depend on nodes installed on the n8n instance. Some built-in types include githubApi, notionApi, and slackApi.

Get execution#

Configure this operation with this parameter:

  • Execution ID: Enter the ID of the execution you want to retrieve.

Get execution option#

You can further configure this operation with this Option:

  • Include Execution Details: Use this control to set whether to include the detailed execution data (turned on) or not (turned off).

Get many executions#

Configure this operation with these parameters:

  • Return All: Set whether to return all results (turned on) or whether to limit the results to the entered Limit (turned on).
  • Limit: Set the number of results to return if the Return All control is turned off.

Get many executions filters#

You can further configure this operation with these Filters:

  • Workflow: Filter the executions by workflow. Options include:
    • From list: Select a workflow to use as a filter.
    • By URL: Enter a workflow URL to use as a filter.
    • By ID: Enter a workflow ID to use as a filter.
  • Status: Filter the executions by status. Options include:
    • Error
    • Success
    • Waiting

Get many execution options#

You can further configure this operation with this Option:

  • Include Execution Details: Use this control to set whether to include the detailed execution data (turned on) or not (turned off).

Delete execution#

Configure this operation with this parameter:

  • Execution ID: Enter the ID of the execution you want to delete.

Activate, deactivate, delete, and get workflow#

The Activate, Deactivate, Delete, and Get workflow operations all include the same parameter for you to select the Workflow you want to perform the operation on. Options include:

  • From list: Select the workflow from the list.
  • By URL: Enter the URL of the workflow.
  • By ID: Enter the ID of the workflow.

Create workflow#

Configure this operation with this parameter:

  • Workflow Object: Enter a valid JSON object with the new workflow's details. The object requires these fields:
    • name
    • nodes
    • connections
    • settings

Refer to the n8n API | Create a workflow documentation for more information.

Get many workflows#

Configure this operation with these parameters:

  • Return All: Set whether to return all results (turned on) or whether to limit the results to the entered Limit (turned on).
  • Limit: Set the number of results to return if the Return All control is turned off.

Get many workflows filters#

You can further configure this operation with these Filters:

  • Return Only Active Workflows: Select whether to return only active workflows (turned on) or active and inactive workflows (turned off).
  • Tags: Enter a comma-separated list of tags the returned workflows must have.

Update workflow#

Configure this operation with these parameters:

  • Workflow: Select the workflow you want to update. Options include:
    • From list: Select the workflow from the list.
    • By URL: Enter the URL of the workflow.
    • By ID: Enter the ID of the workflow.
  • Workflow Object: Enter a valid JSON object to update the workflow with. The object requires these fields:
    • name
    • nodes
    • connections
    • settings

Refer to the n8n API | Update a workflow documentation for more information.

Templates and examples#

Very quick quickstart

by Deborah

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Pulling data from services that n8n doesn’t have a pre-built integration for

by Jonathan

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Back Up Your n8n Workflows To Github

by Jonathan

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