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Block access to nodes#

For security reasons, you may want to block your users from accessing or working with specific n8n nodes. This is helpful if your users might be untrustworthy.

Use the NODES_EXCLUDE environment variable to prevent your users from accessing specific nodes.

Exclude nodes#

Update your NODES_EXCLUDE environment variable to include an array of strings containing any nodes you want to block your users from using.

For example, setting the variable this way:

NODES_EXCLUDE: "[\"n8n-nodes-base.executeCommand\", \"n8n-nodes-base.readWriteFile\"]"

Blocks the Execute Command and Read/Write Files from Disk nodes.

Your n8n users won't be able to search for or use these nodes.

Suggested nodes to block#

The nodes that can pose security risks vary based on your use case and user profile. Here are some nodes you might want to start with:

Refer to Nodes environment variables for more information on this environment variable.

Refer to Configuration for more information on setting environment variables.